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Former Insurance Company Attorney with Over 25 Years of Trial Experience

The Opposing Side's Knowledge Working for You

How Can I Help Build a Successful Pedestrian Accident Claim in Florida?

At the Law Offices of Keith Bregoff, P.A., our pedestrian accident attorneys in Vero Beach understand how physically, emotionally, and financially devastating these collisions can be to the person who is hit while on foot.

Last year across the nation, 6,205 people were killed in pedestrian accidents, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, which is approximately one person every 85 minutes, every day.

Our personal injury attorney in Vero Beach knows that when our Florida residents are hit by a speeding, distracted, or drunk driver, they may be entitled to pursue financial recovery for their damages.

We can help.

Here are a few ways to help improve your chances of pursuing a successful pedestrian accident claim in Florida.

Seek Emergency Medical Care Right Away

Personal injury cases are built on the fact that you have been injured and your life is negatively impacted by the crash.

Without a full medical assessment, treatment plan, and recovery timeline from a medical professional, it will be difficult to prove your case.

Do not wait to seek medical care, as the insurance company will state that your injuries were not serious enough to warrant medical care, and therefore you are not entitled to financial recovery.

Once a treatment plan is in place, follow it closely. Attend all medical, rehabilitation, or therapy appointments without fail while staying in and focusing on your recovery.

Avoid Posting About Florida Pedestrian Accident on Social Media

Insurance representatives will review your social media history — and follow your current posts — while we pursue their policyholder for the financial recovery you may be entitled to for your injuries.

Even if your privacy settings are tightly configured, there is a legal way to continue to access your posts to determine if you are posting statements about your well-being, like that you are fine, not really hurt or are attempting to punish the driver that caused your injuries by pursuing financial recovery from their insurance company.

Everything you do or say can be used against you in civil court, too. It is best to unplug from all social media platforms during your personal injury case.

Seek Advice From An Experienced Personal Injury Lawyer in Vero Beach, Florida

The negligent driver’s insurance company is going to reach out to you immediately after the crash, so they can get your side of the story about how the crash occurred.

In reality, they are going to try and manipulate you into giving a recorded statement, so they can use it against you later.

Saying things like, “I’m okay” or somehow taking fault for the crash occurring may be all they need to avoid paying for your damages.

Instead, avoid speaking with the negligent party’s insurance company until you have a personal injury lawyer in Vero Beach by your side, so we can protect your rights from the very beginning of your claim.

If you have been hit by a motorist while on foot in Florida, contact our experienced pedestrian accident lawyers in Vero Beach at the Law Offices of Keith Bregoff today by calling 772-492-8967 to schedule a free consultation.


The Law Offices of Keith Bregoff PA - 2017 - 2025
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