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5 Things To Ask A Personal Injury Attorney Stuart Florida

You may be injured and are thinking about hiring a lawyer for compensation. Before you hire someone, make sure that you have the best personal injury attorney Stuart Florida has to offer. Asking these five important questions can help you find the right person for the job.

  1. Is there a charge for your initial consultation? Most lawyers will not charge for your first consultation. If there is a charge, you can easily find someone who offers free initial consultations.
  2. What are the total charges for your services? It is important to know what you will need to pay. Understand what percentage your legal professional will get from your settlement. Usually the rate is somewhere around one third. If it is much higher than that, take the time to shop around. Also, make sure to find out if there are any additional fees that you will owe.
  3. Do I have to pay a retainer, or pay anything if I do not get a settlement? Look for a lawyer who will not charge you unless you get a settlement. This shows that they have confidence in their abilities.
  4. Will you be my attorney, or will a junior partner handle my case? You should be talking to the person who will handle your case. If this person is going to hand your case off to someone else, they may be much less experienced.
  5. How can you help me? This is an excellent question to ask, and then quietly wait for a reply. A good lawyer will explain exactly what kind of services you will receive. A legal professional should be experienced and adept at expressing themselves, and if not, you should look elsewhere for assistance.

Look around, before you hire a personal injury attorney Vero Beach & Stuart Florida. These five questions will give you an excellent idea of what to expect. If you do not like the answers, keep looking.

The Law Offices of Keith Bregoff PA - 2017 - 2025
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